Sunday, November 05, 2006
ok, i'm sick...and it's a result of several matters: recent abuse of my eyes in front of the computer (chasing Will and Grace), and sleep deprivation of late; also, at the back of my head, having to submit an assignment on something i know nothing about next week, of which i've just started working on. (how pathetic can i get?)
well, the remedy? get into a regular sleep pattern, work on my assignment, and no more 'series chasing' for abit. (until i fully recover, hehe)
oh well, enough grumbling about life from me (actually, life isn't that bad, just depends which side you wake up on) and BACK to WORK...
Posted by Timodee at 8:01 PM | Permalink |


  • At 12:19 AM, Blogger Tine

    Poor baby ... my fault, instigated you to download Will and Grace for me :(

    Well no more TV series and anything of that sort for you till you get better now *wagging finger* (best way would end it would be to send the stuff to ME!! :p)

    Rest well babes *kiss*

  • At 8:39 PM, Blogger beetrice

    my my...unmotivated? I'm sure tine can provide you with PLENTY of motivation.. :)

    - just popped by to say hi -

  • At 4:30 AM, Blogger Timodee

    hey bea (hope you don't mind me calling you that?)
    it's all tine's fault, was from a massive overdose of 'will and grace' seasons 5 and 6... (then again, thanks babes) check out my relatively bare blog...(i'm not much of a writer)
    take care!

  • At 10:13 PM, Blogger Tine

    Oi, vat ist zis?

    Tim, Bea; Bea, Tim.

    Tee hee hee! :P